Speaking with Vanessa (vocabulary_1)

House vocabulary

dining room餐厅
kitchen chairs
high chair, a stand-alone high chair
kitchen counter: fruit tray,tangerine /tæn(d)ʒə’riːn/橘子,coaster小托盘,杯托,coffee grinder /‘graɪndə/咖啡研磨机,sippy cup鸭嘴杯 sippy有吸嘴的,cheese grater /‘greɪtə/锉刀,摩擦器,knife/knives,measuring cups,tablespoon/teaspoon,condiment/‘kɒndɪm(ə)nt/调料,佐料,chopsticks, salt,olive oil橄榄油/‘ɒlɪv/,oven/ˈʌvn/烤箱,炉,灶,stove火炉,stovetop在灶台的,burner燃烧器,nob头,Some nobs to turn on the stove. stickler/picky/‘pɪkɪ/坚持细节的人,pot盆,罐,pan平底锅,glass lid盖子,butternut squash冬南瓜 squash/skwɒʃ/镇压,cutting board,oven mitts防热手套,spice rack/cabinet调味品架 spice调味品 cabinet/‘kæbɪnɪt/橱柜,rack架子,pantry餐具室

sink水槽,faucet/‘fɔːsɪt/水龙头,strainer/colander过滤器,过滤网/‘streɪnə/,air conditioning,heating,dishwasher,dryer,toaster oven烤面包机,microwave,electric kettle/‘ket(ə)l/电水壶,plates盘子,high/short glasses,bowl,mug/mʌg/马克杯;做鬼脸,

conscious decision清醒的决定,conscious意识到的,故意的,living room/family room/main room/den,shelf架子(墙上的架子),knick-knacks小装饰,小玩意儿,picture frame相框,tent,bookshelf/bookcase,furniture,lounge on the coach/laʊn(d)ʒ/躺在沙发上,prop up your feet,window sill窗台,window pane/peɪn/窗格,storm window纱窗,hardwood floor /flɔː/,carpet,rug小地毯,bathroom/restroom/toilet(British),shower curtain帘子,bathtub浴缸,outlet插座,hair dryer,toilet lid盖子,quilt/comforter被子,sheet床单,night stand床头柜,drawer/drɔ:(r)/抽屉,dresser梳妆台,dresser drawer梳妆台抽屉,closet壁橱,clothes are hanging up

Filler expressions

1.um, uh
3.you know
I was, you know, thinking about to go to New York.
You know, I was…
4.sort of sorta/kind of = kinda
I was sorta/kinda, thinking about to go to New York.
5.Well/So (often at the beginning of a sentence)
6.or something (usually at the end of the sentence)

100 jobs

I’m a …
I work in management/education.
I work for Google/Apple.
I’m the director/manager of the design team.
I’m the owner of the restaurant./I run the restaurant.
a kindergarten/elementary初级的,基本的/middle/high school teacher
professor in university/college: We don’t say teacher for this high-level education.
I work in the school system.

daycare worker保育员
writer,journalist,I’m work for National Geographic.
lawyer,judge, I’m work in the court system.
tour guide I’m working in tourism.
doctor,surgeon外科医生,nurse,pediatrician/ˌpiːdiə’trɪʃn/儿科医生,pediatric nurse,dentist/dental hygienist牙医/‘haɪdʒiːnɪst/,pharmacist/‘fɑːməsɪst/药剂师,pharmaceutical scientist药学科学家/,fɑːmə’suːtɪk(ə)l; -‘sjuː-/
occupational therapist职业治疗师/physical therapist,therapist/‘θerəpɪst/临床医学家,psychologist心理学家
dietitian /daɪə’tɪʃ(ə)n/营养学家
secretary 英/ˈsekrətrɪ/ 美/‘sɛkrətɛrɪ/秘书,部长,大臣
office worker
mechanical/software/civil公民的/environmental engineer
insurance broker保险经纪人,broker经纪人,掮客,work in insurance
accountant/advisor会计,account manager
human resource manager,human resource = HR
electronic technician
sales representative销售代表(may cut off “t”),work in sales
customer service representative客服专员
hotel receptionist
bank teller银行职员
realtor美/‘riəltɚ/ /real estate agent房地产经纪人,estate/‘riəltɚ/房地产,财产
web/fashion designer
web developer
computer programmer
advertiser,work in advertising
photographers,take photographs
artist,tattoo/tæ’tuː/ artist纹身艺术家
interior designer室内设计师 /ɪn’tɪɜːrɪə/
tailor/‘teɪlə/裁缝,seamstress /‘siːmstrɪs/女裁缝,seam缝,缝合n.v.
chef/ʃef/厨师,pastry chef糕点师傅/‘peɪstrɪ/,chief/tʃiːf/首领,酋长,主要的adj.
fry cook煎炸师, work in the kitchen
server(usually use server, because it covers men and women.),waiter,waitress
dishwasher at restaurant
taste tester
farmer, work in agriculture
police officer
social worker
work in the public sector
house cleaner
(over-the-road) truck driver
construction worker建筑工人
personal trainer
hair/heə/ dresser/stylist,barber(专为男性的)理发师
commercial pilot商业飞行员
steward/‘stjuːəd/空乘,stewardess/‘stjuːədɪs; ,stjuːə’des/空姐,flight attendant,attendant服务员;伴随的adj.
stay-at-home mom/dad:You need to take care of children.
homemaker: You don’t need to take care of children, you take care of house.
I’m retired, but I used to be a …



daily life or at job

come over过来,顺便来访
Do you wanna/want to come over for dinner?
Oh, yeah!/Yeah!
For sure.
Ok./K(maybe you’re not excited about something)
Do you wanna come over for dinner, right? Right.
All right. (When your boss ask you if you can finish this report at 3 PM…It’s not so enthusiastic, but it’s not too negative like “Uh-huh”)
Definitely./Certainly./I will do it./I can get it finished. (This is clear and you are professional about it.)
You bet! bet打赌
Of course!
Sounds good!/Sounds good to me!

more slang, kind of silly, kind of funny

You cool with coming over for dinner?
be cool with=to be happy to accept a situation or suggestion
Sure thing. (very strong)
Okie dokie, let’s go. (you’re being silly and being funny)
Right on!
You betcha!

Say NO

not so polite

Do you want some more food?
I’m all set./I’m good.

Let’s eat ice cream for dinner.
Let’s not and say we did.=Let’s not do it, but let’s say that we did it.

Do you wanna help me cook dinner?
No way./Not possible!/Never!

more polite

Do you want some more food?
Thanks, but no thanks.
Now now./Not this time./Not today. (You’re kind of hinting that you can do it in the future.) hint暗示,线索v.n.
I’m afraid I can’t. (pretty polite)
I’m sorry. If only I could. (You’re dreaming to help other people)
I would if I could, but I can’t.
I really shouldn’t, (Something else is stopping you from say yes, you’re blaming…) because…
I’d love to, but I can’t./I’m honored, but I can’t. (include your feeling) I have too much going on.

Top 7 Proverbs that you must know

1.Actions speak louder than words.
What you do is more important than what you say.
reduce this proverb: You know what they say about…actions.
2.Honesty is the best policy.
Being honest is always a good idea.
reduce this proverb: You know what they say about…honesty.
3.No news is good news.
If you don’t heard any updates, that’s okay!
shortening expression: You know what they say about…no news.
4.Better late than never.
Arriving late is better than not arriving at all.
shortening expression: You know what they say about…being late.
5.Slow and steady wins the race.
shortening expression1: Arriving late is better than not arriving at all.
shortening expression2: Slow and steady!
This comes from the fable of the tortoise or a turtle and the hare. fable /‘feɪb(ə)l/语言,tortoise/ˈtɔ:təs/乌龟,turtle乌龟,甲鱼,hare/heə/野兔
6.The grass is always greener on the other side.
I think your item is better than mine.
Oh, your food looks so good, I wish I’d ordered that.
7.Do unto others what you would have them do unto you. unto到,直到(=to)
Do to your friends what you what them to do.
Be nice to other people!
at gunpoint在枪口

figure out and find out

figure out

figure out + how…

find out
