Speaking with Vanessa (pronunciation) (updating)

Pronounce 33 most difficult English words

Note: The right side is the pronunciation.

beach: bee-ch
I threw the ball through the tunnel./‘tʌnl/隧道,挖

How to pronounce top 10 English sentences

Note: The second line is pronunciation.

1.Hey! How’s it going? Pretty good.
Howzit goin’? Preddy good.
Let’s break down this expression.
2.Do you want to go?
Joo wanna go?
3.I’m not sure.
I’m no’ shur.
4.I don’t know.
I don’ know. /I dunno. /I ‘unno.(cut off “d”)/Uh uh uh.
Alright, can you imitate with me? imitate模仿 alright = all right
5.It’s a hot one today.
It’s a ho’ one t’day.
6.You gotta try it!/gotta = have got to 你必须试一试
You godda try i’.
7.Thaks! I appreciate it. appreciate欣赏,涨价,增值
Thanks! I a -prish-e-a’a i’. (t is gone)/Thanks! a -prish-e-a’a i’.
8.No problem.
No problem.
9.See you later!
See you lader! /See ya lader!
10.Do you wanna go? Let’s go!
Let’s go!

American and British English

syllable stress重音 syllable/‘sɪləb(ə)l/音节
1.A:advertisement, adults
B:advertisement, adults

2.A:water, better (sound like “d”)
B:water, better

3.A:hard, first, word (r is really strong)
B:hard, first, word (r is less strong)

4.A:news, Tuesday (= nooz, Toozday)
B:news, Tuesday (= Nynews, Tyuesday)

4 secrets to have an American English

1.Change “T” to “D”.
2.The colored “R”. r = err
3.”-er” at the end of the word. er
4.”-ary” at the end of the word.

British English:/‘mɪlɪt(ə)rɪ/, American English:/‘mɪlətɛri/
Let’s watch this clip, and we’re going to break it down into these three elements.
He’s curious, he is engaging with the world around them.
warm up your muscle肌肉热身

Top 33 phrasal verbs

1.to add up: to find the sum
At the end of the month, I have to add up all my purchases.
2.to bring up: to start to talk about a topic
He brings up sports in every conversation.
3.to blow up: to get angry blow风吹,殴打
He is going to blow up when he realizes that his friend lied to him.
4.to end up: to arrive somewhere
I wonder how the story will end up.
5.to back up: to save
Don’t forget to back up your computer so that you don’t lose your hard work.
6.to show up: to appear suddenly
Why did he show up at my door?
7.to keep up with: to stay even with
Sometimes it’s hard to keep up with the mail.
8.to get along with: to keep good relationship
We get along with each other because we both like games.
9.to agree with: to have the same opinion
I don’t agree with it at all.
10.to deal with: to do a difficult, necessary action
You have to deal with lots of cat fur.
11.to hang out: to spend time together
My cats love to hang out together.
12.to check in/out: to go to or leave a hotel
13.to fill out: to write in the blanks
He is filling out a job application.
14.to figure out: to solve a problem
I can’t figure out why my tree died so quickly.
15.to find out: to realize something
16.to cut down on: to decrease something削减,减少
He’s trying to cut down on sweets, especially chocolate chip cookies.
17.to count on: to spend on someone依靠,指望
You can always count on me to offer you tea when you visit my house.
18.to try on: to see if something fits
19.to keep on: to continue
20.to break into: to secretly enter by force
Who broke into my chocolate? It’s a disaster.灾难
21.to get into: to get interested in something
22.to bump into/to run into: to randomly see someone bump撞击,突然地
Last week I bumped into my college friend on the sidewalk. I can’t believe I ran into him.
23.to apply for: to make a request
I decide to apply for a visa.
24.to look for: to search for something
25.to drop out of: to quit a program
He decided to drop out of the program because it was too hard.
26.to make fun of: to laugh at something
She didn’t like being made fun of.
27.to break down: to easily explain分解,毁约
A good teacher will break down a complicated topic so that it’s more understandable. complicated复杂的,难懂的
28.to give in: to do something you don’t want to do
Even though I was on a diet, I gave in when he gave me a cookie.
29.to call back: to call someone who called you
30.to come across: to randomly find something偶然遇见,无意间发现
I came across a fascinating fact about Steve Jobs in his biography.
31.to go through: to experience difficulty
32.to get over: to recover from a bad experience
33.to look forward to: to want to something enjoyable to happen
After a long, busy day, he looks forward to playing the piano and relaxing his mind.

Top 10 English Introductions

1.Hi, I’m J. What’s your name?
What’s yer name?
2.Nice to meet you?
Nice t’mee’ you?
3.I’m from China, and you?
I’m frum China, an’ you?
4.How long have you been here? I’ve been here for two weeks.
I’ve bin here fer two weeks.
5.What do you do?
Wha’ du you do?
6.I’m a designer, I work for a marketing department.
I’m a designer. I werk fer the marketing department.
7.So, how do you know James?
So, how d’you know James?
8.We used to work together.
We usta werk ta’gether.
9.I don’t want to hold you up. hold up举起,阻拦,I see that you probably have something else you wanna do, you just have a quick conversation. So now you want to let that person leave the conversation, and do what they are doing previously.
I don’ wanna hold you up.
10.Maybe see you around sometime.
Maybe see you ‘roun’ sometimes.

How to Start a Conversation

strike up/straɪk/建立起
strike up a conversation

Someone you know

In the past

A: How are you?
B: Pretty good.
A: What were you up to this weekend?
B: Oh, not much. Just went to see my family yesterday. What about you?

In the present

A: What do you have going on today? / What’ve you got going on today?
B: Oh, not much. Just going to a friend’s house this evening. How about you?

In the future

A: Do you have anything fun going on this weekend?
B: Oh, not much. Just going to a friend’s house tomorrow. What about you?
A: Do you have any plans for Easter?
B: Oh, not much. Just going to have lunch with my family. What about you?

Someone you don’t know

A: Oh, what a cute dog. Do you come here often? /Have you ever been here before? /Have you been in Asheville for a while? /Do you live nearby?
B: Yeah, we try to. It’s a great place to walk.