Learning with JamesESL (Speaking) (updating)

What do you do for fun

In most cases, we can use hobbies or interests, but there’s a slight difference.
hobby/habit: You do regularly.
interest: You like it.

  • collecting…

  • playing…

solitaire/‘sɒlɪteə; ,sɒlɪ’teə/单人纸牌游戏
games: can be board games like chess, checkers or Monopoly. Monopoly/mə’nɒp(ə)lɪ/垄断,大富翁
gaming: electronic games

  • traveling…

  • going to…

movies, the theatre, the beach

  • baking/cooking

  • reading, writing

whatnot:anything 放古董的架子,不可名状的东西
Some people enjoy reading books, horror, drama, and whatnot, right? horror惊骇,惊悚n.,drama戏剧,剧本

1.What do you do in your downtime?
downtime:relaxing time
The preposition is “in”.

2.What do you do with your spare time?
spare change: When you have paper money, you go to the store and they give you money back, and it’s little metal money, that’s called “spare change” or “coins”. metal金属,mental精神上的

3.What do you do when you have time off?
Time off most like travelling.
In my time off, I often traveling./I enjoy doing./I like to do.
That’s cool./That’s rather interesting.

Deal expression

account账户,解释,accent/‘æks(ə)nt; -sent/口音
Note: The second line is the meaning.

1.We made a deal. It’s a deal.
An agreement,benefiting
2.What’s his/her/their deal?
What’s the problem, or situation?
He owns IBM. Stocks in Microsoft. –rich.
3.Deal with it.
It’s your situation, your problem to do it. There’s nothing we can do about it. Stop complaining and just move on.
4.So, what’s the deal?/big deal.
It’s not important.
5.It/She/He is a big deal.
It’s very important. It’s the opposite of point 4.
6.Deal me in.
Let me be part of this. When someone has a pizza tonight, you can say: “Deal me in”. It means I want some pizza. I want to be part of it.
7.That guy/girl is a dealer.
In North America, there are two types, the one give out cards, and the other give out drugs.
8.Who will deal with it?
Who will responsible for it. Who will take care of it?

“too” or “so”


1) excessive: more than, negative, more than you want, more than you need.
2) very: positive, but a few cases, i.e. too kind
3) as well: in addition/additionally


1) extent: how much. so quickly
2) extremely: emphasis, just like too. too quiet
3) conjunction连词: therefore, thus
4)tell the truth: I think so/I thought so.

clean yourself

shave /ʃeɪv/剃须v.;刮脸,刮刀n.,shave直接使用
woman shelve legs,shave back,shave chest
pop a zit挤青春痘,zit青春痘,pimple青春痘,疙瘩,面疮
floss用牙线洁牙v.;牙线,brush teeth,floss this morning(floss直接使用)
brush hair,comb hair梳头发,comb/kəʊm/梳头发v.;梳子,蜂巢,鸡冠
take a shower/bath /bɑːθ/, bathe/beɪð/ v.
nail clipper指甲剪,cut nails/hands manicure/‘mænɪkjʊə/修指甲,美甲
feet pedicure/‘pedɪkjʊə/修脚
wipe ass/bum擦屁股

What are the senses in English

sense/sens/感觉,道德,观念: taste,touch,hear,smell,see



touch my heart: It makes me feel something.


I see what you mean.


scent = smell气味,嗅觉,scent cologne闻古龙香水
sniff/snɪf/嗅: get a little of air to taste
bad situation


focus,pay attention,try to understand

Phrasal verbs OFF

in a rant在咆哮
There are two basic meanings of “off”:

  • movement away/release/detach分离,派遣/let go
  • preventing/not include/separated

movement away

see off: see someone off means see him away送行
make off: escape from punishment逃走
set off: leaving for出发,动身
scare off:make something afraid吓跑


get off: enjoy
tell off: 责备
piss off: angry滚开


round off四舍五入
write off取消;报废no value
pull off努力实现


fence off: close off栅栏隔开
cordon off布置警戒线,隔离

a while and awhile

a while

a noun, talks about the length or period of time (that can be specified)
for a while = for a time暂时,一段时间, not distinct独特的,有区别的
I slept for a while./This will take a while. (That specified the period of time.指定了一段时间)
I slept for 3 hours./This will take 3 hours.


an adverb, a period of time, for a time, for some time
My mother is staying awhile.
My mother is staying a while.
Difference: “awhile” has “for” built right inside.