Learning with JamesESL (Grammar) (updating)

What are suffixes



used to make nouns: meaning an action, a process, an act of specific kind
e.g., to argue the process or action of not agreeing, it means to try to improve something.
argument an idea or verbal fight, verbal/‘vɜːb(ə)l/口头的,言语的


used to make nouns: meaning action, process, quality(state),
e.g., revere/rɪ’vɪə/敬畏,尊敬 for something
Show reverence for the flag.


used to be adjectives/‘ædʒɪktɪv/: worthy, good for
e.g., love
lovable: cute
enjoyable/ɪn’dʒɒɪəb(ə)l; en-/: good for fun

I saw it

stereotype/‘sterɪə(ʊ)taɪp; ‘stɪərɪə(ʊ)-/老套,陈腔滥调n.adj.,stereor立体声n.,stereophonic立体声的adj.
They ain’t good. ain’t/eɪnt/ = am not/are not
accordingly: treat you that way

simple past: saw
past participle过去分词: seen, something is past, but it participates.

was: it’s a simple past, something has happened.
were: imagine
If I were you, I wouldn’t watch it.

Adjective endings-ING or ED


“ed” is passive:
recieved: felt bored, felt tired
condition: crowded room, heated argument


“ing” is an active (doing action):
affecting others: you present feelinga and emotions.
performing: ongoing action. ongoing adj.持续的,不间断的

Eight common conversation mistakes

stuff or staff


1) v.: general things
2) n.: to put one thing into another

1) n.: people who work in office or offer assistance
2) n.: 支撑/walking stick(坚持,粘贴,棍子)/weapon

will or would

will: means promise or future
would: imaginary based on a conditional situation

close to or near

close to:
not exact but close to correct (quantity), close to 50 people came to my house
relationships: close to someone, it means you have a very tight emotional relationship, tight紧密的
distance: America is close to Canada
time/place: near 5 o’clock, near my place
move closer: v. He near the ceiling./‘siːlɪŋ/天花板

another or other

another: singular单数, it means one same thing. I want another cup of tea.
other: plural/‘plʊər(ə)l/复数, different things. We want other people to join in.

do or make

do: for action (auxiliary/ɔːɡˈzɪljərɪ/助动词,辅助n.;辅助的adj.). I do love it.
make: have something when you finished. You make a cake.

equal or fair

equal: put it in part that is the same
fair: to give what is deserved to the appropriate person

fun or funny

fun: enjoy. You have fun, you enjoy it.
funny: It’s funny.

come back or go back

go back: When you hear, you need to go.
come back: You must back hear now.

could/would/should have-modals of lost opportunity#

modal:情态的,情态动词adj.n.,they give the idea of possible
could: possible
would: imaginary or future
should: best or right
That’s not your cup of tea. semantic语义的,语言学的,corresponding prefix相应的前缀