Daily Collection (01.03.2019-30.06.2019)




pirate /ˈpaɪərət/海贼
cloudless clime无云的气候
What’s your sign? 你的星座是什么?
imitate模仿,伪造,Life imitates art.


We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. gutter排水沟n.adj.v.
Food delivery is our lifesaver.外卖是我们的救星。
Let’s order delivery.我们点外卖吧。
It’s convenient and we can use coupons as well. coupon/‘kuːpɒn/联票,赠券,优惠券


You do have to be fairly selfish when you have a gift. 如果你有某种天赋,你必须很自私地去开发它。fairly相当地

Peppa Pig

Let’s dress up and pretend to be mummy and daddy. dress up打扮,装扮,pretend假装
It’s just about to rain.

Van Gogh’s Letters

There is peace even in the storm.
I dream my painting and I paint my dream.
I would rather die of passion than of boredom. 宁可被热情灼伤致死,也不愿碌碌无为而死。
Admire more, most people don’t admire enough. 多多欣赏这个世界吧。admire钦佩,赞美
Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place. crawl/krɔːl/爬行,匍匐前进n.v.
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night. fondly/‘fɒndlɪ/天真的,温柔的
Great things are done by a series of small things brought together. 冰冻三尺非一日之寒。
Normality is a paved road: It’s comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow. pave/peɪv/铺设,安排vt.
There may be a great fire in our heart, but passers-by can see only a wisp of smoke. wisp/wɪsp/一小撮n.v.

Les Miserable

There is a grief that can be spoken. grief/griːf/悲痛,忧伤,不幸
Empty chairs at empty table. 空椅无人,独宇空桌。
Here they talked revolution. revolution革命,旋转,运行,evolution演变,进化,进化论
Phantom faces at the window, phantom shadows on the floor. phantom/‘fæntəm/幽灵,幻觉的n.adj.
What your sacrifice was for? 你的牺牲为何?


Are you insane? 你疯了吗?
What’s wrong with you? 有毛病吧你?
Nonsense. 胡说八道。
Watch your language. 注意你的言辞。
Who do you think you’re talking to? 你以为你在跟谁讲话?
Don’t give me your attitude. 不要给我摆架子。
You eat with that mouth? 你就用这张嘴吃饭?
Leave me alone. 离我远点。
Knock it off. 住嘴吧你。
You’re impossible. 你简直不可理喻。
Don’t waste my time anymore.
Stop talking, you lower the IQ of the whole street.
Your right brain has nothing left, and your left brain has nothing right. 你右脑啥也不剩,你左脑啥也不对。

Thank you very much.
Thanks for your help.
Thanks, I really appreciate it. 谢谢,我真的很感激。
Thanks, I owe you one. 谢谢,我欠你一个人情(以后有机会的话会报答)。
I can’t thank you enough. 我怎么感谢你都不过分。

It’s OK. 没事儿。
My pleasure. 我的荣幸,不用谢。
No problem. 没关系。
No worries. 小事儿。
Sure. 应该的。
You’re welcome. 不用谢。
Don’t mention it. 不足挂齿。

This is so embarrassing. My family dinner became a blind date all of a sudden. blind date相亲
Your parents brought a guy for you, again? That’s so nerve racking? 这可真够让人头大的!
Yes, and I didn’t wear makeup. 化妆

Do you know she is engaged? engage订婚;忙于,从事于
To find my fiance, I just broke up with my boyfriend. fiance未婚夫


Limes are sour. 柠檬好酸啊。lime/laɪm/绿黄色的adj.;石灰,酸橙n.
Blue and red make purple.
Elephants are grey.

vineyard/‘vɪnjɑːd; -jəd/葡萄园

Getting married is no more secure than being single.
I’ll marry the right person. I will not settle. settle/‘set(ə)l/解决,安居,安定
I like making my own money, having my own place, chasing my own dreams.
Do you really want to throw away my life just you can brag to your mahjong friends? brag/bræg/吹牛,吹嘘,自夸n.v.mahjong/ma:’dʒɔŋ/麻将

first love/puppy love初恋
childhood sweetheart青梅竹马
How did your date go with your boyfriend?
He said he can’t do long distance after we graduate, since we work in different cities. do long distance异地恋
A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous. 每个女孩应该做到两点:有品位并光芒四射。classy有品位的,优等的,上等的,漂亮的,fabulous/‘fæbjʊləs/极好的,难以置信的,传说的,语言中的

I think you speak too highly of him. highly adv.
You just don’t get it. 你根本不明白。
Then tell me about him. Surprise me.
He is talent and tender. He is more than special. He is unique. 他很有才又温柔,他不仅仅是特别,他是独一无二的。
You’re even more tender than the night sky.
Is this loveliness real? Does it even exist? 这样的可爱是真实存在的吗?loveliness/‘lʌvlɪnəs/可爱,漂亮
Are you a fairy from the heavens?
Only people who haven’t see your eyes think stars are beautiful.
My heart followed you at first sight, but you said you’re not a heart-thief? heart-thief偷心贼
Do you smell the fire? That’s my heart burning for you.
You shall learn how to swim, then we can swim at the river of love forever.

My eyes are itchy. itchy/‘ɪtʃɪ/发痒的,渴望的
Keep your back straight.
Someone punched him on his nose. punch/pʌn(t)ʃ/用拳头猛击vi.;开洞vt.;冲压机,钻孔机n.
She lifted a glass to her mouth.
She puts her hands over her ears.
I love your blonde hair. It’s pretty. blonde/blɒnd/金色的adj.;白肤金发碧眼的女人n.
She stamped her foot. 她跺了跺脚。stamp邮票,印记,跺脚n.v.

Excuse me, may I have the time? 能告诉我时间吗?

Rice is yummy. 米饭很好吃呀
Vegetables are gross! 蔬菜真难吃。
I like ramen noodles. 我喜欢拉面。

The printer has zero pieces of paper.
The business is closed for six days. 要停业六天。
The profits are up by $6. 利润上涨了6美元。

Some animals make great pets. 有些动物很适合当宠物。
Cheetahs are really fast animals. cheetah猎豹



In the hospital

Hi, I’m here to see my doctor.
I need a doctor right away.
I feel very sick.
I need to have an X-ray done.
I am having surgery tomorrow. 做手术
I have an appointment today. 我今天有一个预约。
It’s an emergency. 情况非常紧急。
Let’s take him to the operating room. 把他送到手术室。
Everything seems to be normal.
I need to take your blood pressure. 量血压
I’m going to test your reflexes. 反应测试
I’m going to take a blood sample. 采血样
Let me listen to your heart.
Your weight is normal and healthy.
You need to get more exercise.
Your temperature is normal.
You’ve grown an inch taller. 你长高了一英尺。
Come back soon for another exam. 请尽快来复查。


In bank

I’d like to deposit this check. 我想存这张支票。
Can I have ten dollars in quarters? 我能将这10美元换成25分的硬币吗?
Can I make a cash deposit? 我能存现金吗?
I’d like to make a withdrawal. 我想取些钱。
I’d like to open a checking account. 我想开个支票账户。
Please deposit this check in my saving. 请把这张支票存到我的账户里。
What is my available balance? 我的余额还有多少?

Ask for help

Will you do me a favor? 你能帮我个忙吗?favor帮助,赞同,偏爱
Can you come get me? 你能来接我吗?


stargaze/‘stɑːgeɪz/眺望星辰;耽于幻想,stargazing in Santorini
cherry blossom/‘blɒs(ə)m/樱花




A manager is an authority. 权威,当局
I speak English.
We talked in English in the meeting.